Holiday Gifts for Your Biz Network Invest in Success Today! The year is ending and a whole new challenge awaits all of us in 2016! Your business goals are very much alive, but what are you doing to reach your goals? We have many resources available to help you on your path to success, and...
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I tell my audiences every day that the key to success is taking action. Take a minute to look over this weeks featured articles and videos that highlight the different ways you might take action and have it positively benefit your bottom line. The 10 Laws of Sales Success A recent Gallup poll on the...
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I tell my audiences every day that the key to success is taking action. Take a minute to look over this weeks featured articles and videos that highlight the different ways you might take action and have it positively benefit your bottom line. No Sale Left Unturned: Clean Up At Conferences with 3 Overlooked Sales...
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ANTARCTICA CONQUERED! On Thursday, February 19, I knocked a big one off my Bucket List, completing a Marathon in Antarctica. That leaves Asia as my remaining continent to have completed a Marathon on all continents. This one was truly memorable, for so many reasons. I got to share the experience with long time great friend...
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I tell my audiences every day that the key to success is taking action. Take a minute to look over this weeks featured articles and videos that highlight the different ways you might take action and have it positively benefit your bottom line. The Secret To A Successful New Year by Kevin Daum You've got...
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I’ve never started my newsletter with book highlights, but these two are critical reads. SCALING UP by Verne Harnish and EXPONENTIAL ORGANIZATIONS by Salim Ismail. Verne's follow-up to Mastering the Rockefeller Habits is a book that I would describe this way - no one considering building a business or currently running a business should be...
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Thank you to everyone who help me achieve Amazon #1 Bestseller status last month in 7 countries. Your support meant so much to me and I am looking forward to the growth and success you will experience after reading the book. Good stuff here!! If you have not yet purchased a copy of Hyper Sales...
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That’s the title of my new release book that is “all-inclusive” guide to Sales, Sales Management and Culture. It’s all in there, and it’s filled with street-proven, easily implementable systems and processes that when implemented will increase your top line, your bottom line and your personal income! Here’s what a few have said about this...
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What are some of the tough questions you run into out there in the battlefield called “Sales”? I’m really asking you for them. Here’s the deal- I’m writing a book of real world sales questions, and the best answers, from people actively out in the world selling. Send me as many as you like, direct...
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Here’s a book by a CEO of a company who has leveraged their unique CULTURE into a fast growing, profitable company that additionally was sold for $1.2 Billion! Not bad for a 10 year old company- maybe we can all learn something from ZAPPOS and it’s CEO Tony Hsieh in “Delivering Happiness”. Here are a...
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