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The Daly News Volume 105

May 16, 2018

Bonnie’s East Coast Service Update

We have had many inquires about the details for Bonnie’s East Coast memorial service. It will be held on Friday, June 1 at 12pm. The location is 8th Street, Surf City, Long Beach Island, New Jersey. The service will be on the beach and last about 60 minutes. Casual dress is requested, food and drinks to follow.


Well, I ran my first Marathon in 1994 and at that time had no idea that this was in my future – what a journey! After falling short of my goal of a sub 4 hour finish in that first marathon, I ran another and went sub 4 three months later. Found I got a little bit of a Marathon bug and ran 10 over the next 10 years. Then, in 2004 in LA Marathon a guy passed me with a shirt that said he had run a Marathon in all 50 states. I caught up with him to learn more, and within 24 hours, it landed on my Bucket List. In April of 2018, I finally crossed the finish line in New Jersey, the state in which I grew up and met my wife to be Bonnie. It sure was a joy to be surrounded by so many family and friends cheering me on (compared to plenty of lonely marathons in the journey).

Crossing the finish line in any marathon is a sweet feeling of accomplishment, so you can just imagine how sweet state 50 was. A bonus that day was making it to the podium for my age group, coming in 3rd place! Many have asked “what’s next?” and that sure is an easy answer: The Great Wall Marathon on May 20, which will complete my goal of a Marathon on all Continents.

All of this provides fodder for taking stock of how you are doing on your goals for 2018. Are they in writing? Do they have measurable specifics? Do you have an accountability process established? What steps can you take now that will get your goals accomplished by year end? People tell me regularly that they want to achieve success. They tell me they have goals in life. They tell me they are committed to their goals. Yet, all too many are lacking answers to the questions I just posed. Who are you and what actions will you be taking to “raise the bar” of your performance/results?


Who are your mentors? How well are you doing “modeling the masters”? I could be directed these questions to most anyone in life, and they would apply and have value. CEO’S, Sales Managers and Sales Professionals all!

These days I’m at best a casual participant in the triathlon sport. In my heyday, when I was competing at a level that got me to be a member of TEAM USA and to Kona in the Ironman World Championship, I had as many as 6 Coaches. No sense me making up the route to success; better to just go to those who have “been there, done that”. At 13 years old, I benefited from the experience of 200 successful business owners and learned the value and rewards of having goals in writing and a plan to achieve them. For decades I’ve had a “Board of Directors of my Life”, numbering 5, who hold me accountable to my personal goals and each meeting with me 4 times a year to ensure I’m making progress. And, over the years, I’ve typically relied on at least 3 Coaches on my business (beyond that of a Board of Directors or Advisory Board). All of this has served me well over the years.

Similar to my words earlier regarding Practice and the desire to be the BEST, pick whatever role model you like (someone at the top level of their field), and I would wager there are one or more Coaches involved. So, who are your Coaches, and when do you plan to get going here?


  • Melbourne – 23 July 2018
  • Sydney-24 July 2018
  • Brisbane- 26 July 2018

We are so excited to be coming back to Australia for my Winning Sales Strategies, Driving Sales Workshop.

If you’re ready to accelerate your business growth, join us for Jack Daly’s Winning Sales Strategies Seminar Sales Workshops! If you’re a salesperson or sales director who is constantly looking for the edge that can take your team to an explosive new level of growth and success, then the advantage you and your team are continually seeking has just landed in your lap. Jack Daly’s Winning Sales Strategies Workshops are loaded with game-changing tactics and strategies that should always be within arm’s reach of every business and sales professional. In these powerfully practical workshops Jack shares the time-tested sales techniques that work to drive the growth.



Register for today for one of only three remaining Sales and Management Summits. Our workshop calendar is significantly smaller than years past so start planning today to join Jack in one of the cities below……


This ALL-NEW three hour, sales based session is designed to teach you what you need to know to get to the top of your game. Jack will show you how to apply street tested techniques that will make the difference, as well as reinforce and provide accountability to ensure things are getting done. This presentation is fast paced, practical, content rich and filled with take-away value.

What You Will Learn:

  1. The Power of the Sales Playbook
  2. Shortest Course on Selling: Learn to differentiate yourself from the masses.
  3. Goal Setting and Measurement: Learn to build specific goal setting processes to ensure success.
  4. Perception of Value is Key: Learn how to differentiate yourself from the competition.
  5. Building a Touch System: Learn to get through the gate keeper and get around the price objection.
  6. Five Laws of Self Renewal: Learn time management strategies and beat back call reluctance.

And More!



You’ve heard me say it often, this is the key to sales success. Most sales people are out there “showing up and throwing up”, with the focus all about their company and its products/services. People do not want to be sold. The successful sales professional is all about the client in focus. It’s about helping them with their pain and pleasure points. Helping them with their needs, opportunities and problems. And, the way to determine that, is by asking questions.

Before any call, we advise “pre-call preparation” to include: What is the purpose of this call? What do we know? What do we need to know? What do we need to get them talking about?

If I asked you for your top 10 questions, would you be ready to provide them to me? On the spot? How about questions you’ve made in the past that have proven to be effective? Or, are you like most sales people and just out there winging it?

If our aim is Building Relationships, questions centered around hobbies, sports, interests and personal/business accomplishments are great sources of finding personal commonalities.

When searching for identifying pain, how do you go about it?

When looking for opportunities to add value, what questions have you found that really opens up the prospect?

Often, while conducting role practice sessions, great questions and trails of questions can be identified and discovered.

The best sales people are canned, saying the same thing, the same way, when encountering a situation. So also is true of the skilled questioner. Be ready with your questions, so you can enhance your ability to LISTEN. Without such preparation, we find people thinking what they will say next is happening in lieu of truly listening. Be prepared before the call.


Our Summer issue of Jack’d Magazine will be published in June. If you would like to receive copy, just email jennifer@jackdaly.net with your street address (USA only). The magazine is free and loaded with actions to increase your success as a salesperson, sales manager or business owner. Time to GET JACK’D!


Here’s the schedule of cities I will be conducting programs in over the next few months (some for clients, others are open seat workshops.) I may have flexibility in my scheduling for lunch, dinner or more should someone have an interest. If you see I’m headed to your part of the world, feel free to email jennifer@jackdaly.net.

May– Orlando, Philly, China, and Cape May.

June-San Diego, Atlanta, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

July- Los Angeles, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Nashville

If any article in this newsletter would be of interest to your co-workers, customers or clients we would appreciate having you forward it along.

Here is what our Clients have said about Jack...

Have you attended one of Jack Daly’s sales workshops or seen one of Jack’s keynotes? We’d love to hear from you! Let us know!