The Daly News March 2007 Volume 19
One of the most frequent needs expressed by my clients is the challenge of finding good people to hire. Over the past month, I have had three separate occasions to be truly impressed with the caliber of people in the U.S. military forces. I also was made aware of some truly disturbing statistics. The unemployment rate for young veterans aged 20-24 is triple that of their peers who chose not to serve. Clearly, those who have served the country, have a hard time finding a job after they leave the service. Beyond this unemployment paradox is the additional issue of underemployment, with many of these young veterans taking jobs substantially below their trained skill set. America spends over $11,000 to recruit a person into the military, well over $100,000 training them in over 8900 occupational specialties, untold millions of dollars in transition funds, only to pay hundreds of millions in unemployment. This is a talented group of people, available for those looking to hire people who understand vision, mission, core values and work ethic.
And, the search has now been made easy. Here are a couple of routes one can take.
1. Visit the free matching service at Hire a Hero works to end the Military Service Penalty, by facilitating efficient industry based job placements and eliminate the gap between veteran and non-veteran unemployment.
2. An alternative fee-based service with military veterans as the labor pool can be achieved through Orion International ( ), the largest Military Recruiting Company in the world and growing at over 50% per year. Additionally, for job fairs and temp to permanent alternatives, visit and . When investigating this second alternative, ask about the offer of a free “Jack Daly DVD/CD combo training tool”.
No matter how you look at it, these honorably discharged veterans earned our respect and deserve our gratitude. They deserve to participate fully in the American Dream they protected. This is clearly a WIN-WIN.
All the training in the world is not worth its time and money without implementation. It’s all about “taking action”. I’m grateful for the consistent flow of testimonials from folks expressing their thanks for our sessions and ideas. I wanted to share excerpts from one in particular, as it speaks to “taking action” and the attendant benefits which accrue to those making things happen.
Here is an exerpt from Steve’s letter. Thanks Steve, and keep on keeping on!
” After your presentation, I felt like I had found the key to the treasure chest. The ideas and systems have proven results and could easily be applied if I just stepped “outside the dots.” I took 5 things I felt comfortable with and applied them immediately: 1. Rack & Stack Account Managers into quartiles. I replaced the bottom quartile almost immediately. 2. Recruit for talent instead of need. 3. Throwing parties on the first day someone starts, not the last. 4. Become a cheerleader and a change agent. I made sure my presence was felt in every store and reiterated the company’s initiatives until my lips bled. 5. Send birthday cards to all employees along with a hand written note. I see them on everyones desk when I do on-site visits.”
“My company still has a way to go but all five of my stores will be profitable in the next six months. My confidence is back and I have a road map for success. I am enjoying life again. “
“Thank you so much for your inspiration Jack! You’ve got a friend in Cincinnati.”
Invest in Yourself
by Spending a day with Jack!
Don’t miss the opportunity to spend a day with Jack Daly. These full day, sales-based sessions are designed to teach you what you need to know to get to the top of your game. Jack will show your team how to apply street tested techniques that make the difference, as well as reinforce and provide accountability to ensure that things are getting done! The day is fast paced, content rich and filled with take-away value. Content is presented by Jack himself and includes Key characteristics of top performers, Communication/social/buying styles of prospects and customers, Proper goal setting techniques, Prospecting tips, Creative approach campaigns and ongoing “touch systems” and CLOSING strategies that OPEN sales.
March 20-Melbourne, AU-Full Day Smart Selling
March 22-Sydney, AU-Full Day Smart Selling
March 23-Brisbane, AU-Full Day Smart Selling
April 18-Long Island, New York-Full Daly Smart Selling
June 15-Orange County, CA-1/2 Day Smart Selling
June 28 & 29- St. Louis, MO- Sales Management & Sales Summit
October 4 & 5- Cleveland, OH- Sales Management & Sales Summit
October 19-Toronto,ON -Full Daly Smart Selling
October 23-Ottowa,ON -Full Daly Smart Selling
November 2-Washington DC-Full Day Smart Selling
December 7-Vancouver, BC -Full Daly Smart Selling
Register TODAY by visiting or call
Jennifer at 888-298-6868
As it so often occurs, we get caught up in the day-to-day necessities of our businesses and very often miss out on opportunities to enhance the cash or profit results for our respective businesses. Witness the R&D Tax Credit. Wait, before you skip this, thinking your firm doesn’t qualify, understand since 2001, the requirements to qualify have been greatly expanded, with many companies now qualifying. These tax credits can provide a hidden and immediate source of cash for many small- and mid-sized companies. The credit offsets taxes owed or paid, dollar for dollar, which is much more powerful than a standard deduction, which only reduces a company’s taxable income. Further, a business can obtain the credit for all open tax years- generally the last three or four years plus the current year. More than $5 billion in federal R&D tax credit benefits are given out annually. Too many CEO’s, CFO’s and public accountants are overlooking this significant opportunity.
I strongly urge someone in your company to pursue the “if and how” to claim these credits. Here’s how: Contact Sonny Grover, Managing Director of Alliantgroup, at 949-510-7975, or
Ps. What does this have to do with “sales”? Nothing. But we are all about finding ways to help our clients increase their top line, bottom line and overall success of their enterprises. Feel free to mention to Sonny that Jack Daly gave you the “heads up”.
Books on the success called Starbucks seem to be coming out every day. Here are some opening thoughts gleaned from a few in the marketplace, then even more from “THE STARBUCKS EXPERIENCE” by Joseph a. Michelli. If you gobble all the books on this subject down, there is a common theme-almost any effort expended towards making happy and motivated workers results in happy and loyal clients.
Michael Moe, CEO of ThinkEquity Partners says Starbucks’ early leaders were distinguished by their exceptionally highflying entrepreneurial visions. “Aspirationally, it was always huge.”John Moore, an Austin, Texas, marketing consultant indicated: “ They spend as much time and as many dollars trying to speak to employees as they do trying to speak to customers.” Michelli states: The Starbucks Experience can be found on two very distinct levels:
1. In its unique corporate culture (see our February issue for more on culture). …empowerment, entrepreneurship, quality and service define the values of the firm.
2. In its passing down of these values to its partners.
In stunning contrast to most Fortune 500 companies, Starbucks consistently spends more on training than it does on advertising.The biggest story at Starbucks is that it’s as much about people as it is about coffee. Starbucks’ workforce has grown exponentially, from 100 in 1987 to more than 100,000 in 2006. Key, then, is the “how to” continue with the consistency of the customer “experience”.
The basic tenets are simple, yet not simplistic:
- Make it your own
- Everything matters
- Surprise and delight
- Embrace resistance
- Leave your mark
Howard Schultz sees the link between involvement and entrepreneurship by noting in an interview with “Know”, “People want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They want to be part of something that touches their hearts.” While some business executives don’t appreciate the true impact of creating a positive culture, Starbucks’ success ,alone, should be proof that where there is detailed attention to recognition, training, and play, there is profit.
That should be enough of a tease. Go buy the book!
Make a Donation and Win a
Here’s the deal. I’m volunteering a day of my services – speak to your company, speak to your trade group, a day of consulting, you decide – in my efforts to raise donations for cancer research and put cancer “out of business”. In our previous newsletter issue, I announced how fortunate I was to be accepted as a runner in the famed Boston Marathon. I will be running on April 16 for the benefit of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute , which uses 100% of the funds raised directly for this purpose-the eradication of cancer. Each of us are so fortunate to lead the lives we do and yet it’s my bet we all have someone we are close to that has been impacted in some way by this killer disease. I’m asking for your help in this worthwhile endeavor, and therefore announce this contest.
My goal is to raise as much as possible and on my donation website you can see the target of $50,000. I currently have raised $6,908 so I need your help! The website permits us to keep track of the donors and we want to hold a lottery for my services. Your donation amount is less important compared to your participation, so regardless of donation amount, all those making a donation will be entered into the drawing. As long as I hit the $50,000 donation goal, all donor names will be entered into a drawing for the following prizes:
Third prize One Jack Jr. Training Package
Second prize One Jack in a Box Training Package
FIRST PRIZE A DAY OF JACK DALY “LIVE”We thank you in advance for your consideration and encourage you to click the following link and give you and your company a shot at a free day of Jack Daly’s services. If you are a CEO, owner or manager, we suggest passing this along to your teams, thereby increasing your company’s chances of a day of Jack Daly–FREE – and helping to make a difference in the good fight against cancer! Thank you!
A Special THANK YOU to everyone who has donated so far.
Gift Voucher Game 100K
The people have spoken, and according to Incentive Magazine, this is what they are saying.
Interesting work, rewards and recognition are the top desires of job seekers in global survey.
In a recruitment awareness study conducted by Accenture, interesting work and regular recognition and rewards – at 60% and 58% respectively – top the list of most desired employer characteristics for the four thousand+ respondents from 21 countries.Â
In order to remain competitive and retain the best employees, a company must understand when and why certain programs and incentives are most valued to employees. Watch for our newsletter next month where we will bring our readers an opportunity to leverage these important concepts!
For the past 6 years we have historically produced a newsletter from Professional Sales Coach, Inc. With this Daly News newsletter as replacement, we wanted to remind our readers of a feature each month pulled from the archives which continues to be content rich. Professionalism requires life long learning.
Well, that went fast! Three months have passed by this year. How are you doing? How are you doing compared to plan? Compared to expectations? We believe it’s an appropriate time to take the pulse, reassess, and revisit the plan. All too many companies plan once and revisit the process another year later. Let us suggest a mid-year review, and a revisit to the planning process.
Change is accelerating its pace. And it will continue to get faster. World events, the national economy and technology are all wild cards, but one thing is certain, and that is they are in constant flux. As such, we need to be quick on our feet, yet have a plan to opportunize. Even those whoare enjoying success need to “look around”. Success can become toxic. Companies often get into trouble during good times. Simply put, many either outrun their money or their people.
Look around, and make sure you understand what is happening in both your industry and your firm. Businesses need to ask “What if?” in order to evaluate their assumptions and identify critical issues. Strategic renewal is a must. It enables a company to obtain clarity as to what you are, who you are, and where you are going. Revisiting the strategic plan also develops teamwork and cohesion. You’ll get a consensus of direction, and a commitment to specific results. Strategic renewal provides you with a chance to filter through the choices in an environment of innovation. As clarity develops, it helps you drive ownership deep into the organization. Do you want to determine your market position or are you letting your competitors decide? Strategic planning is part and parcel of building a successful business.
Simply put, strategic planning can’t be done “off the cuff”. The process can be quite painful. You have to get people to start talking. Most managers like doing things. Many can’t understand why you need to sit around and talk about it. It might take a couple days off-site to get the plan worked out. After that, monthly and quarterly meetings are necessary. A leader must remember to be just one of the group, and not impose her or his will. Keep in mind that when strategizing you’ll invariably take two steps forward and then one step back during your discussions. It’s often an uneven journey, complete with unforeseen frustrations and difficulties. But working through those difficulties is a key component of the strategic process. Planning, then, is not a bloodless statistical work-up.
At this point, I fear I’ve lost the immediate gratification readers. Our style  is to provide immediately implementable ideas to make a difference in your business. Yet, at times, we are big proponents of pausing from the day-to-day and inspecting just what we are doing. Now is a great time to do so. Hang in there and go with me here. Michael Gerber calls it “working on your business, not in your business”.
At the risk of sounding even more theoretical, start first with “you”. What is it you want out of your business life? Usually the first answer is to be successful-which is frequently equated with making more money. We would suggest that your first priority should be to stay personally satisfied with your work. In that way you can retain the high motivation necessary to succeed in today’s fast changing environment. For years I’ve said that 50% or more of success is a “head case”, which says that we need our head in the game. Wrestle down just what is it that will charge you up and the others around you.
Another way of saying this is “What is your perception of value?” An underlying philosophy and logic drives every company. To make this work to your benefit, you need to be able to distinguish yourself from the competition. What image would you like to have with the customer? What image do you now have with the customer? Are you seen as offering a high price? Is great service or price regarded as most important to your firm? What image would you like to have with your competition? What image do you have with them? What perception of value are you creating in your marketplace, such that people will go out of their way and/or pay a premium to do business with you?
If any article in this newsletter would be of interest to your co-workers, customers or clients we would
appreciate having you forward it along. Thank you!