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Taking Action with Jack Daly

Jul 9, 2015

I tell my audiences every day that the key to success is taking action. Take a minute to look over this weeks featured articles and videos that highlight the different ways you might take action and have it positively benefit your bottom line.

Overcoming the Fear of Sales in 4 Simple Steps

by Gene Hammett
Do you procrastinate or completely avoid doing any kind of sales for your business? Or do you think that the whole process of sales is a slimy and shifty experience that you just don’t want to do?

Well, here is a secret for you — sales is a necessary process in having a business. Ok, not much of a secret. The reality is your business depends on your ability to understand sales so that you can continue to serve your clients. Your resistance to this necessary part of your business is only costing you money and adding stress to your life.

If you do have a fear of sales, you are not alone. The fear is quite common. Creative, purpose-driven entrepreneurs like you seldom start a business because they are sales rock stars. You got in the business to do what you love to do.

Unfortunately, there is a myth out there that says, “Being great at what you do is enough to make your business grow.” Being great in your chosen field is only part of the business. The other part of your business hinges on you understanding how to sell your products and services in a way that is in alignment with who you are.

The fear of sales shows up in very interesting ways. I have had many clients who have related sales in their own business with the stereotypical used car salesman. When you dig into it, there is usually the one central fear — “What will they think about me?” This is where the slimy and shifty feelings seep into your thinking. You avoid sales in every way possible, even if that means not selling at all.

Let me share with you four simple steps to overcome the fear of sales:

Understand The Real Problem You Solve
Get a deeper understanding of the problem you solve. This means knowing…Read More

Upcoming Educational Opportunities

Sep 16, 2015- Nashville, TN
Exceptional Entrepreneur Hyper Growth Bootcamp

Sep 25, 2015- Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Smart Selling Workshop – Fort Lauderdale, FL

For all registration questions, please contact Gabriel Clift at [email protected]

Australia November 2015

Building a World Class Sales Organisation Workshops (Management)

  • Auckland-Tuesday 3 November
  • Brisbane-Thursday 5 November
  • Melbourne -9 November 2015
  • Sydney- Wednesday 11 November

Winning Sales Strategies Workshops (Sales)

  • Auckland- Wednesday, 4 November
  • Melbourne -Friday 21 November
  • Brisbane – Monday 24 November
  • Sydney – Tuesday 25 November

5 Ways to Grow Your Business Through Social Media

by Adam Fridman
Maintaining a strong social media presence takes a lot of work. The payoff can be incredible, though–growing your business through social media is very possible.
Just about every company has a social media presence in some way or another. Some are savvy, but others create a Facebook page and expect the work to be done for them. It’s a dangerous mindset; just like everything, maintaining a strong social media presence takes a lot of work. The payoff can be incredible, though–growing your business through social media is very possible. Here’s how.

1. Promotions.
Social media promotions draw in new users and returning customers alike, providing a new outlet for deals, sales, and the like. Making them exclusively available through social media drives traffic, which in turn generates buzz surrounding a brand. Just about everyone is on one platform or another–reach out to them and give them some value. The business it draws in generally results in return customers, too, so everyone benefits from Viagra pharmacy http://www.canadianpharmacy365.net/product/viagra/Read More

8 Lessons Learned Studying World-Class Achievers

by Marty Fukuda
As someone who has aspirations but, admittedly, is not world-class at anything, I’m always curious about the origins of those who are the very best at what they do. I’ve learned eight lessons from studying the elite in professions from athletics to business and, occasionally, art to find out what makes them tick and how they reached such rarified air.

1. Live a life of discipline.
Despite his busy schedule shooting and promoting his movies, movie star Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson religiously follows a strict diet and fitness regimen, eating seven carefully orchestrated meals designed for maximum health benefits. He wakes up daily at 4 a.m. to eat his first meal and start the day. His approach to fitness is extreme, but it’s a big part of how he’s achieved extreme levels of success. Simply put, he is more disciplined than those who would try to dethrone him at the box office.

2. Be on a mission.
The highest levels of excellence are a result of years of training and preparation. Great inspiration is required to maintain the unflinching discipline to chase, day in and day out, a goal that is unobtainable to the average person. This is a quest that propels you to march forward on your darkest days. Not everyone has a mission that stirs his or her soul. If you are fortunate enough to discover yours, you have the first tool needed to become world-class.

3. Bias towards action.
Thomas Edison once said, “Everything comes to those who hustle while they wait.” There is no more succinct description of what drives the most ambitious and world-class among us. If you pause to consider the countless hours it takes to master anything, you’ll find that getting started now is a necessity. Time is the greatest and rarest of commodities. Those who aspire to achieve world-class status are intimately aware of how precious each day is and know better than to waste a second. a creative and innovative solution to the problem… Read More

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