These Six Sentences Are Key to Leaving a Voicemail by Caryn Kopp
It was a very busy Monday at Kopp Consulting. As I was going through each task on my checklist, I needed to call a potential client. But before I even picked up the phone, I prepared what I would say if I reached his voicemail instead of him. No matter how busy I am, I know it is essential to pre-think and strategically select the words I say. It goes something like this:
“Hi, this is Caryn Kopp from Kopp Consulting. We do new business development, and we can help get you initial meetings with your most important prospects. In fact, one of our clients was recently awarded a place on the Profit 100 list. They grew over 100% in the last three years and credited our Door Opener Service® for landing large national accounts. If this kind of growth is important to you, let’s find time to talk about how we can help you as well. Please call me, and I’ll speak with you soon.”
Let’s take a look at each sentence so you can prepare you for your next call.
Sentence One
In the first sentence, state your name and your company name. This information is crucial because if the listener deletes the message right after that, you still create awareness and an impression for you and your company, which is important.
Sentence Two
Next, explain exactly what you do using language that is relevant and compelling to your potential client. This is the hook. It is also one area where sellers make mistakes. Avoid industry jargon and fluffy, vanilla phrases (e.g. “best in class”), which can create a disconnect with prospects. A phrase that is meaningful to you isn’t always meaningful to them.
Whether you’re talking business or personal engagement; bosses, parents, or friends; communication is at the heart of your connection. In virtually every situation, we humans respond best to people who are:
- Approachable and willing to be vulnerable
- Focused on our strengths, not weaknesses
- Interested, without being too involved or uninvolved
- Optimistic in outlook
- Authentic
- Empathic
- Aligned in what they think, say, and do

January 16, 2018 1/2 Day Sales Workshop in Philly
This ALL-NEW three hour, sales based session is designed to teach you what you need to know to get to the top of your game. Learn ways to sell smarter, not harder. This engaging, interactive session is a MUST for all sales professionals and executives who want their business to reach its full potential. This is the best investment you can make in your sales career.
What You Will Learn:
• Unique strategies for capturing and closing more leads • How to maximize your sales in a minimal amount of time. • Low-cost tactics for increasing the value of your prospect and customer lists. • How to drive greater sales and profits with existing resources. • SMART Selling – learn how to sell smarter through offering value and recognition systems. • Communication – Social & Buying Styles, Personality Profiles & the Call Critique • The Relationship Selling Process. • The Laws for Self Renewal, Target & Personal Marketing. • Everything you need to know to double your sales.
2018 Sales & Management Success Summits
- Jan. 25 & 26, 2018– 2-Day Sales & Management Success Summit – St. Louis, MO
- Jan 25, 2018– Management Success Workshop- St. Louis, MO
- Jan. 26, 2018– Smart Selling Workshop – St. Louis, MO
- March 6 & 7, 2018–2-Day Sales & Management Success Summit – San Antonio, TX
- March 6, 2018– Management Success Workshop- San Antonio, TX
- March 7, 2018– Smart Selling Workshop – San Antonio, TX
- June 21 & 22, 2018– 2-Day Sales & Management Success Summit – Chicago, IL
- June 21, 2018– Management Success Workshop- Chicago, IL
- June 22, 2018– Smart Selling Workshop- Chicago, IL
- Sept 20 & 21, 2018– 2-Day Sales & Management Success Summit – Washington, D.C.
- September 20, 2018-Management Success Workshop- Washington, D.C.
- September 21, 2018– Smart Selling Workshop – Washington, D.C.
- Oct 18 & 19, 2018– 2-Day Sales & Management Success Summit – San Diego, CA
- October 18, 2018-Management Success Workshop- San Diego, CA
- October 19, 2018– Smart Selling Workshop – San Diego, CA
Stuck on what’s next by Seth Godin
When confronted with too many good options, it’s easy to get paralyzed. The complaint is that we don’t know what to do next, because we’re pulled in many good directions–and doing one thing with focus means not doing something else.
This is a common way to get stuck. After all, if you’re at this crossroads, where more consideration means more possibility, while more action merely means walking away from a potentially better choice, it’s easy to settle for the apparently safe path, which is more study.
No one can blame you for careful consideration. More careful consideration seems to insulate you from the criticism that follows taking action.
But getting stuck helps no one.
Here’s an alternative:
Write up a one-pager on each of the five best alternatives you are considering. Use the document to sell each idea as hard as you can, highlighting the benefits for you and those you seek to serve.
Then, hand the proposals to your trusted advisors. They vote (without you in the room) and you commit to doing whatever it is they choose. Not thinking about it, but doing it.
Merely agreeing to this scenario is usually enough incentive to pick on your own and get to work.