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Jun 25, 2014

Each April I invest 4 intense days of a deep dive with about 70 entrepreneurs who meet at MIT in Boston. We are enlightened and challenged by a collection of impressive speakers and business leaders. I left with such a feeling of renewal and learning, and thought I would share some of the many takeaways from the Gathering. In the interest of brevity, I’m going to share via bullet points.

  • As companies grow, they tend to shift from “offense to defense”; stay on the offense!
  • Need to embrace “productive anxiety” to make breakthrough growth/innovation. There is no passion inside your comfort zone, and you really do need passion to succeed.
  • We succeed because of our weaknesses, not in spite of them. In order to be the best at something, you have to give up some other things.
  • Partner with people that support your weaknesses.
  • “Organizations exist to make people’s strengths effective and their weaknesses irrelevant”. Peter Drucker
  • You should never forget where you came from but you shouldn’t let it solely define you.
  • The deal that you don’t do is never the deal that kills you. Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.
  • Often, the people around you know what you should have done way before you take action on it.
  • CEO should only be involved in decisions that have the absolute highest level of risk. As we move down to lower risk, we need to have more tolerance for errors and do less analytics prior to making decision.
  • Need to put key decisions at the beginning of meetings and put reports toward the end.
  • People tend to not change for gains, they change to avoid losses.
  • The most significant obstacle to excellence for organizations (and individuals) is not having the courage to be bad at anything. In order to be great, you have to be bad.
  • Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence, and making it last in your absence.
  • Secret sauce of leadership and parenting- figure out how to set high standards and communicate that you are deeply devoted to their success.
  • There should be growth in GDP economy for the next 5 years; are you positioned to take advantage?
  • USA dependence on foreign oil is declining. Only 32% now as compared to 60% in 2005. This will translate to significant reduced deficits down the road, leading to significant business changes in the future.
  • The most important decision you are ever going to make: “Is the universe friendly?” We spend too much time on 3-4 things that are bad in our lives and not on the 40-50 things that are good in our life. If you have trouble falling asleep, experience in your mind the good things that are going on. Feel gratitude.
  • Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.Control your life or someone else will.
  • The act of excellence is rare because organizations try to do too many things.
  • Leaders get the organization they deserve; the power of unconditional responsibility.
  • Small enough to change, big enough to matter, suggests where to focus one’s energy.
  • Intimacy + empathy plus transparency.
  • You cannot solve an internal problem with external action.

Well, that should get you thinking! The question is always this: what will get you taking action?


Knowing that a productive sales organization is the only way to grow your business, your sales team needs proper direction to reach its full potential. Managers need support with bright ideas and street proven techniques to make their leadership more impactful. Imagine having an expert available any time of day or night to provide your sales team with out-of-the-box, exciting new ideas to make your company more profitable, all while having fun doing it!

With the team at Advantage Media, I’ve created a convenient tool designed to teach Entrepreneurs & CEOs, sales managers, and sales professionals the proven systems to successfully sell in today’s hyper-competitive business environment. All of this is available now with the all new Jack Daly Sales University at www.jackdalysalesu.com! Please watch my personal intro to Sales U.

Just like a modern college or university online course, Sales U teaches practical courses with comprehensive training material dedicated in three key areas: Sales, Sales Management, and Culture. The full program is 13 hours of fun, energetic, and powerful material that can be used to train your entire sales team, from entry level to seasoned professionals. Managers will get relevant methods to implement with the whole team, and best of all, you can make the Sales U courses part of your new hire training or sales meetings… anytime, anyplace.

If you are interested in learning more about the online courses offered, please visit our online library today. Here you can preview all courses, read about content, and purchase when ready.


I had the unique opportunity to hear author and Harvard Business School Professor Francis Frei speak on two occasions, each for three hours of amazing and riveting content. I immediately purchased UNCOMMON SERVICED: HOW TO WIN BY PUTTING CUSTOMERS AT THE CORE OF YOUR BUSINESS and suggest you do the same. Here is my favorite takeaway: In order to be great, you have to be bad. The problem is organizations too often are trying to be great at too many things, and as a result be just so-so across the board. Another favorite is “Don’t be apologetic about being bad at certain things. Excellence is a choice!” Upbeat in person and in the book, as I read the book I feel Francis in the room with her humor and energy and intellect. The book is chock full of case studies, and straightforward, just as I like things. The entrepreneur that reads Uncommon Service will have the ability to diagnose their business as to its service model, and develop a game plan on how they will get better, and where they won’t – by intent! This is a must read, confirmed by so many who have previously read it and shared their enthusiasm as well.


Don’t miss my upcoming Smart Selling workshops in Ft. Lauderdale and Philadelphia or my 3 day Summit in NYC…

  • June 17 – Ft. Lauderdale, FL
  • July 11 – Philadelphia, PA
  • July 29 – New York, NY- All 3 days
  • July 29 – New York, NY- Management Only
  • July 30 – New York, NY- Christine Comaford
  • July 31 – New York, NY- Sales Only

“Your session today was incredibly insightful and your fundamentals are great reminders to focus on what matters to build trust with clients and prospects. As a business owner, there were plenty of moments in which I took a hard look at how our companies operate, and I recognized the need for some real change. This evening, I have generated three goals for each of our companies, and I intend to personally track each one with metrics and honest feedback within our team.”

Click here to see the full 2014 schedule…


It’s been almost two months since my book Hyper Sales Growth has been released, and I cannot be happier with its success. I’m proud to say the book hit Amazon #1 Best Seller status in multiple countries, including the USA, and to date I’ve received nearly 30 five star reviews! Here’s what people are saying about the book online:

  • I started reading and I couldn’t put it down. Usually business books bore me as soon as I start, and I’ve read a lot of them. I love Jack’s writing Style and the content is great. Amazing value packed into each page. Can’t wait to finish. – Dominic C.
  • Jack writes the book from the heart and you can truly hear his passion and voice coming through the written word. I love giving out great books to my staff and friends and this one is truly a keeper. – DesignAShirt
  • Read this to get your sales team Jack’d Up! Jack has outdone himself by sharing so generously his wisdom and practical hands on proven experience. This book is chocked full of tools, tips and techniques that will get YOU immediately engaged in success. This is a must read! You won’t be disappointed. – Mark L.

Feedback like this is both humbling and exciting. I am overjoyed to know that my experiences and advice are utilized throughout the world to such great success. By writing my first full length featured sales book, I’ve created a tool that can be used over and over again for generations of business professionals.

Hyper Sales Growth is available in hardcover here at an all new low price of $20. We also offer bulk discounts if you are looking to supply the whole team! Kindle and Audio versions are also available through Amazon.

TAKING ACTIONA look at what others are DOING!

The frustrating part of what I do as a speaker/teacher is relying on others to “take action”. Frustrating especially when you hear about the challenges of a tightened economy, and yet too many folks not taking the actions needed to WIN. Check these examples of others, and then ask yourself why you aren’t “making things happen”.

I wanted to send you a quick note to give you an update on things we have implemented:

  1. New Hire Onboarding/Model the Master’s Program – We have revamped our entire new hire on-boarding program to include your Model the Masters lesson. Our training has been changed from one week to four weeks, in which two of the weeks include ride days in the field and on the phone with our selected Masters.
  2. Bonus for Employee Referrals – We have re-launched this program and changed the payout from $500 to $5,000.
  3. Money Bag – Bags are being printed as we speak. Contents will include many tools and resources for our reps, we should have implemented by the time you get here. Our goal is to significantly increase the number of touch points to our prospects and customers.
  4. Playbook is being updated to include elevator speech, objections sheet, role practice exercises, etc.
  5. The Platinum Rule and Getting Naked books have been purchased to pass around to our management team



“Kris & Co reps have been Jack’d in person and now have some required reading coming their way. We just came off our best 4 month start to a year in over 18 years in business, in the northeast, with horrible weather and changing economic times. Maybe this culture, management and sales process stuff really work. Thanks iron Jack Daly we love you.”


As many of you are well aware, I am a devoted Marathoner and Ironman. As well, a big believer in Bucket Lists, Goal Setting and Exercise Benefits. I take my fair share of ribbing about my ambitious goals (including racing two Ironmans this month!), so thought I’d share a quick story that makes me look quite tame. Meet John Wragg. When I race Ironman World Championship this past October in Kona, it was my 13th overall. Kona was Wragg’s 163rdfull-distance Ironman! He competes in the 60-64 age group, and has covered 23,339 miles during his incredible Ironman career. He raced his first Ironman in 1988.

What makes all these race finishes even more amazing is the fact that Wragg has to walk the marathon at every race he does. In June, 2008 he was hit by a car while out training on his bike. What is holding you back from taking on “your big challenge”? It doesn’t have to be an Ironman; it doesn’t have to be physical. Just pick something BIG and go for it. You will be amazed at what is possible, and the myriad of benefits forthcoming once accomplished.


www.Bucketlist.org is the place to jot down your life’s ambitions, and tell the story once you’ve accomplished them. Inherently most people want to live a meaningful life but they face the following obstacles:

  • They may not know what they want to do. They are looking for inspiration & new ideas.
  • They may not know how to set and achieve their goals; (lack the knowledge, motivation and organization)
  • They may not have the resources (time & money).

Bucket List provides a solution to the three problems above by providing:

  • Inspiration: With over 2.5M goals we are one of the world leaders in cataloguing and organizing life goals.
  • Knowledge & motivation: our members accumulate and document their own success stories on an ongoing basis. These are shared with the community which helps to teach, educate and motivate other members.
  • Resources: For many people they also lack the resources (time and money). Bucket List will connect people to service providers.

One of the great new developments at Bucket List right now is the production of the official Bucket List app for mobile devices so that all this can be done more easily while on the go. To learn more, check out their Kick Starter page by CLICKING HERE.


Here’s the schedule of cities I will be conducting programs in over the next few months (some for clients, others are open seat workshops.) I may have flexibility in my scheduling for lunch, dinner or more should someone have an interest. If you see I’m headed to your part of the world, feel free to email [email protected]

  • June– Brisbane, Philly, Ft. Lauderdale, Chicago, Baltimore, St. Louis, Atlantic City and Los Angeles.
  • July– St. Louis, New York City, Philly and Las Vegas
  • Aug– Washington D.C., San Jose, Raleigh, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara.

Our 2014 calendar is already 90% booked so email us today, [email protected] if you are interested in a day with Jack!

Here is what our Clients have said about Jack...

Have you attended one of Jack Daly’s sales workshops or seen one of Jack’s keynotes? We’d love to hear from you! Let us know!